Candy P2E
Jan 30, 2023


🍬The team has planned marketing before and after Candy P2E launch on Pancake, follow Candy P2E social media to not miss any important information.

📈How do you think Candy P2E will explode at launch on Pancake? x5 x10 x20 or x100!!!

✅Leave your predictions below this post.

🕑Listing time: 14:00 UTC Jan 30, 2023
✅Listing on Pancake
🪙Listing Price: $0.1527
💰Marketcap: $74.801

➡️Pancake link: https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?outputCurrency=0x4F59bb93b680d70EF750327c3A1193fa69eb6d54

✅Official Contract: 0x4f59bb93b680d70ef750327c3a1193fa69eb6d54

Please continue to support Candy P2E, and update the latest information at our social media.

#P2E #BSC #CAD #CandyP2E



Candy P2E

Candy P2E will bring you to a world of colorful candy and great rewards. Candy P2E will be the trend in 2023.| Website: https://candyp2e.com/ |